
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ping Pong Joke

One man had a child
1 year later – man asked the child-what gift do u want? child said, ping pong ball

2'nd birthday-Father- what gift you want? Son – ping pong ball

24th birthday, Father- what gift you want? Son – ping pong ball

he got married, at honeymoon. Wife-what do u want? Husband-ping pong ball

25th birthday, wife – what gift you want? Husband-ping pong ball

30th birthday, Wife – what gift you want? Husband-ping pong ball

his kids become 15 yrs old, 40th birthday. kids- Father what gift you want? Father – ping pong ball

79th birthday kids- Father what gift you want? Father – ping pong ball

Time for his death, all the people from whom he took ping pong balls, came to him and asked, Why did you ask for ping pong balls all the time? he said.

I asked for a ping pong ball on every birthday because....

And he died… before he could tell the Reason
What a tragedy!
What a tragedy!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't get it u.u
    but ur other articles are goo :)
    i also have a blog and a web directory, do u want to exchange articles? let me know

    Emily :)
